The Canadian HBV Network is a collaborative organization of healthcare professionals and researchers from across Canada with an interest in advancing excellence in Hepatitis B patient care, research and education.
The Canadian HBV Network consists of medical professionals and researchers from 22 academic and community care clinics across eight Canadian provinces, provincial laboratories and the National Microbiology Laboratory / Public Health Agency of Canada.
Our members are leaders in Canadian medical care for patients with hepatitis B.
The Canadian HBV Network is supported by multidisciplinary researchers in basic / biomedical science, clinician scientists, medical microbiologists, clinical virology, population health, epidemiologists, biostatisticians and health economists.
ICE-HBV is a global group working to enhance HBV prevention, care, treatment and cure.
They aim to fast-track the discovery of a safe, effective, affordable and scalable cure to benefit all people living with CHB, including children and people living with HCV, HDV and HIV co-infection.
To achieve this, they provide an international research-driven forum, which coordinates, promotes and establishes public-private collaborative partnerships to accelerate the discovery of a CHB cure.
The Canadian Network on Hepatitis C (CanHepC) is a national collaborative research and training network dedicated to the advancement of hepatitis C virus research. CanHepC brings together over 100 members including researchers, student trainees and knowledge-users from across Canada, as well as international partners. Their overarching goal is to improve health outcomes for people living with hepatitis C at all stages of the cascade of care, closing the gap between knowledge and practices while training and building capacity in research.
The Canadian MASLD Network is a collaborative organization of health care professionals from across Canada with a primary interest in enhancing understanding, care of, education, and research in persons with MASLD* (formerly NAFLD) by focusing on epidemiology, diagnostics, therapy and prevention.
*Metabolic Dysfunction-Associated Steatotic Liver Disease